Gilan Province
It is one of northern provinces of Iran with an area of 14711 square kilometers, Alborz Mountain stretches like a wall in west and south of Guilan, for this reason climate of Gilan is moderate and has high humidity in most places. Gilan is wettest region of country and has more than 2000 mm of rain annually, vast part of Gilan is plain and rest is mountainous. More than 40 rivers flow in Guilan and most important of them is Sefidroud. Guilan is an agricultural region which most important products are rice, tea, olives, citrus fruits, silk, milk, meat, chicken, fish, caviar, jam and all kinds of sweets and cookies.
it is one of 31 provinces of Iran and lies along the Caspian Sea, it covers about 1% of total area of Iran (14711 kms). Gilan has a population of 2,530,696 and population density is 180 people per square kilometer, it is located in west of province of Mazandaran, east of province of Ardabil, and north of provinces of Zanjan and Qazvin. It borders Republic of Azerbaijan in north and Russia across the Caspian Sea.
Geo-economic advantages
Permanent high water level rivers such as Safidrood, Pole Rood, Korgranrood, Shafarood and ...
Being commerce and agriculture hub fof country.
Mediate climate and beautiful nature.
Water access to Astrakhan and Lakan ports of Russia.
short way transportation path through Gilan
Productive and Economic advantages
One of industrial hubs of country, especially in agricultural and maritime industry, pharmaceutical, cellulosic and textile industries (one of top 10 provinces in country).
Having raw materials for development of conversion industries.
There are large industries like paper and textile and steel.
There are industrial park in different parts of province.
There are skilled and educated labor force ready to work in various economic sectors as well as cheap labor.
Cheap energy sources such as water, electricity, gas, etc.
Infrastructure Advantages
There are 4 power plants in Loshan and Rasht, Manjil and Manjil Wind Power plan Plant, and a wide distribution network in province.
Fuel tanks up to 200 million liters, petroleum, gasoline and gas for fueling to Gilan, Ardebil and West Mazandaran.
Enjoy extensive transportation networks, Rasht International Airport and Anzali and Astara ports.
There is common border market with Azerbaijan.
The are universities and technical and vocational training centers and industrial and agricultural research institutes provide skilled and specialized human resources in province.
Availability of high way of Qazvin-Rasht
Qazvin-Rasht-Astara Railway under Construction Project.
Port and shipping facilities in Anzali port & Anzali free zone area.