Required documents for registration limited liability company (LTD)
1) Two copies of completed company declaration form signed by partners
2) Two copies of completed company’s Article of Association that all pages had been signed by shareholders.
3) Two copies of completed article of incorporation signed by partners.
4) Certified copy of first page of ID card of directors and partners (for legal identities advertisement of official newspaper is necessary).
5) Possibility for providing non-cash capital by shareholders if all or part of capital is in form of non-cash.
6) Have economic activity license for company that has been issued by economic department.
7) Confirmation documents of payment for registration fees and advertising in official gazette for company after completing of documents.
8) Plumbing (sealing) of business journals (one volume of general journal and general ledger) at the end of registration process.
9) Two copies of minutes of first meeting of the Board of Directors which has been completed and signed by partners
Important Note:
A: The provided documents must be typed as possible, in case of handwritten, should be legible, without crossing or polish unit with a pen set.
B: Documents required to be completed in Farsi, if desired, foreign applicants can also complete English document and papers.)
C: Introduce Plenipotentiary Representative of company or his successor
Required documents for registration Joint Stock Company
1) Two copies of completed company declaration form and signed by shareholders.
2) Two copies of completed company’s Article of Association that all pages had been signed by shareholders.
3) Two copies of signed minutes of first meeting of the board of directors and shareholders.
4) Certified copy of first page of ID card of all Directors, Shareholders and inspectors
5) Copy of first page of ID card of all directors, shareholders (for legal identities advertisement of official newspaper is necessary).
6) Possibility for providing non-cash capital by shareholders if all or part of capital is in form of non cash.
7) Have economic activity license for company that has issued by economic department.
8) Confirmation documents of payment for registration fees and advertising in official gazette for company after completing of documents.
9) Plumbing (sealing) of business journals (one volume of general journal and general ledger) at the end of registration process.
10) Taking temporary Economic Activity License of company issued by economic deputyship of organization Important.
11) Paying registration fee
A: Provided documents must be typed as possible, in case of handwritten, should be legible, without crossing or polish unit with a pen set.
B: Documents required to be completed in Farsi, if desired, foreign applicants can also Complete English document and papers.)
C: Introduce Plenipotentiary
Representative of company or his successor
Required Documents for registration declaration of company in commercial office
1: A copy of verified ID card and national ID card of merchant (if the applicant is a natural person)
2: sealing trade ledgers (journal & general ledgers)
3: Economic activity license issued by organization
4: Certified copy from first page of ID card and National ID card of all Directors and Shareholders
5: Payment of registration fee
Provided documents must be typed as possible, in the case of handwritten, should be legible, without crossing or polish unit with a pen set.
Required Documents for General Partnership Company
1) Two copies of completed application form and signed by all partners and shareholders.
2) Two copies of completed company article of association that all its pages signed by all partners.
3) Two copies of the completed company deed of partnership signed by all partners and shareholders.
4) Two copies of minutes of first meeting of the Board of Directors which has been completed and signed by partners.
5) Two copy of verified ID card and national ID card of all Managers and shareholders (If person has legal personality official gazette should be provided instead)
6) Have economic activity license for company that is being issued by economic department.
7) Confirmation of registration fees and advertising in official newspaper for company after completion of documents.
8) Sealing trade ledgers (journal & general ledgers) important note:
A: The provided documents must be typed as possible, in the case of handwritten, should be legible, without crossing or polish the unit with a pen set.
B: Documents required to be completed in Farsi, If desired, foreign applicants can also complete English document and papers.)
C: Introduce Plenipotentiary Representative of the company or his successor.
Required documents for registration of non-commercial institutes
1) Two copies of completed application form and signed by all partners and shareholders.
2) Two copies of completed company article of association that all its pages signed by all partners.
3) Two copies of completed and signed minutes of General Assembly of founder signed by all Managers and shareholders.
4) Two copy of verified ID card and national ID card of all Managers and shareholders.
5) Have license regarding to subject of institute.
6) Confirmation of registration fees and advertising in official newspaper
For company after the completion of documents.
7) Sealing trade ledgers (journal & general ledgers)
8) Temporary Economic Activity License
Important note:
A: Provided documents must be typed as possible, in case of handwritten, should be legible, without crossing or polish unit with a pen set.
B: Documents required to be completed in Farsi, if desired, foreign applicants can also complete English document and papers.)
C: Having offices located in Anzali Free Zone and announce office address, phone and fax numbers.
D: Introduce Plenipotentiary Representative of the company or his successor.
E: continuous presence of plenipotentiary Representative of enterprise and his successors in office hours to receive notifications.
Documents required for registration of company’s branch and foreign institutions
1) Two copies of foreign company’s branches and agencies registration statement completed in Farsi and signed by authorized representative of company or his lawyer.
2) Permission for Establishing of company branch and Authorization letter of company in Iran that have been set and regulated according to regulation and laws of foreign country (confirmed by the Islamic Republic of Iran embassy in that country) (Clause 1 , Article 7 regarding to registration of Companies and Industrial and Intellectual Property of iran’s Free Zones).
3) A certified copy of registration document of company or institution in origin country that has been confirmed by embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in that country that has been translated officially to Persian language.
4) A certified copy of articles of association of company or institution in origin country that has been confirmed by embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in that country that has been translated officially into Persian language.
5) Have economic activity license for branch or representative of company that is being issued by the economic department.
6) Copy of ID card or passport authorized representatives of the company.
7) The original or certified copy of a power of attorney if declaration has been completed by authorized lawyer of company.
8) If publication of company’s balance sheet predicted by law of origin country, a copy of the latest balance sheet should be provided in Persian language officially translated.
9) Pay registration fee of branch or foreign representative about $300 dollars.
10) Six pieces of 4 × 3 photo and of company foreign managers.
Important Note:
A: Provided documents must be typed as possible, in case of handwritten, should be legible, without crossing or polish with a pen set.
License of economic activity
According to Article 11 of free zone’s administration law, It is necessary for all people who are active in e Anzali free zone to obtain License of economic activity, doing any type of activities, including tourism, commercial, service, industrial and office occupations by rael persons or legal entities is subject to obtain license of economic activity.
Required documents for getting license of economic activity
1) Lease contract + tracking code or ownership document or any document proving ownership
2) Clearance paper for Iranian managing director or confirmation of security department of this organization for foreign nationals.
3) Establishment announcement or company change announcement
4) Copy of company letter of association
5) Personal documents of company members or a copy of the passport of foreign nationals 6)a piece of photo 4*3
7) Confirmation of the Ministry of Urban Development that there is no construction violation
8) Paying the charge if the place of activity is inside commercial complex
9) Filling out of permits form
10) Appling for certificate