• time : 13:31
  • Date : Tue Aug 27, 2024
  • item visited : 63
  • news code : 2148
In evaluation of performance done by Supreme Council of Secretariat in first quarter of this year
Anzali Free Zone stand in first place among free zones of Iran
in evaluation of performance of free zones in first quarter which is carried out by the Supreme Council Secretariat based on seven criteria, Anzali Free Zone took the first place, according to report of public relations and international affairs management of Anzali Free Zone Organization.


In letter of appreciation issued by Hojjat Elah Abdul Maliki, advisor of president and secretary of council; according to researches, controls, monitors and supervision on proper implementation of assigned tasks and missions it has been stated that Anzali Free Zone organization has been ranked the best among Free Zone Organizations (Ars, Mako, Kish, Qeshm, Chabahar and Arvand) in the total of all evaluation indicators of different areas.


According to this report , performance evaluation components of free zones includes: evaluation indicators for effective promotion of administrative system and improvement of resource management; Imaging(public relations and international affairs); cultural and social section; information technology; Construction and infrastructure section and finally, it is economic section, in total, these indicators reviewed by Secretariat of the Supreme Council; Anzali Free Zone has won first and best position.


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