• time : 12:16
  • Date : Sat Sep 14, 2024
  • item visited : 46
  • news code : 2159
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In order to protect of forests and pastures;
Head of Gilan Agricultural Organization announced that for first time imported 1,222 ton shipment of 130,000 pieces of wood from Caspian port.
Saleh Mohammadi, on sidelines of unloading of first shipment of imported wood with bark from Russia in the Caspian port stated that one of the policies of Ministry of Agricultural Jihad is protection and preservation of forests and pastures. Since we have heritage of the Hyrkan forests in the Northern provinces in Gilan province, which are considered valuable plant and animal reserves. He stated that Hyrkan forests provide many ecosystem services to region and even surrounding countries, so more than 33 Ecosystem services are provided from forests, so from every hectare of thick forests in Gilan, we will have 2,500 cubic meters of water storage every year.

Saleh Mohammadi, on sidelines of unloading of first shipment of imported wood with bark from Russia in the Caspian port stated that one of the policies of Ministry of Agricultural Jihad is protection and preservation of forests and pastures. Since we have heritage of the Hyrkan forests in the Northern provinces in Gilan province, which are considered valuable plant and animal reserves. He stated that Hyrkan forests provide many ecosystem services to region and even surrounding countries, so more than 33 Ecosystem services are provided from forests, so from every hectare of thick forests in Gilan, we will have 2,500 cubic meters of water storage every year.

The head of Gilan Agricultural said organization, pointed to forest preservation plan in order to protect the Hyrkanian forests, protection plan was carried out due to reduction of forest area in the past years, so that cellulose factories suffered from decrease in raw material, so it was decided to import tree with bark in order to protect from trees.


we have observed global standards in import of wood so in this method trunk of the tree has been heated, so we import shipment of 1,222 tons with a total of 130,000 pieces through Caspian port for the first time, so this shipment can meet needs of cellulose factories that are currently operating less than nominal capacity and their employment is in trouble.


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