In order to protect of forests and pastures;

Saleh Mohammadi, on sidelines of unloading of first shipment of imported wood with bark from Russia in the Caspian port stated that one of the policies of Ministry of Agricultural Jihad is protection and preservation of forests and pastures. Since we have heritage of the Hyrkan forests in the Northern provinces in Gilan province, which are considered valuable plant and animal reserves. He stated that Hyrkan forests provide many ecosystem services to region and even surrounding countries, so more than 33 Ecosystem services are provided from forests, so from every hectare of thick forests in Gilan, we will have 2,500 cubic meters of water storage every year.

Impressive welcome in last days of summer 2024

During second week of September 2024, Anzali free zone as first free zone in north of country hosted more than 1 million and 480 thousand tourists, reported public relations and international affairs management of the Anzali Free Zone Organization.

Siahkarzadeh in inauguration ceremony of government week projects by presence of governor of Gilan

Export of producers in this region reached to 11 million dollars with a growth of 25%/ increase of Anzali Free Zone area is in interest of province and national interest.

In meeting of Russian government officials with Siahkarzadeh, it was raised:

In order to play essential role of first free zone in north of country in expansion of relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran with countries of Eurasian Economic Union, especially with Russian Federation, was held a joint operational meeting for implementation of memorandums concluded between this organization and Russian institutions by presence of Russian Trade Counselor in Iran, Consul General of this country in Rasht and managing of autonomous non-profit organization Center for economic and legal cooperation between Russia and Iran.

In evaluation of performance done by Supreme Council of Secretariat in first quarter of this year

in evaluation of performance of free zones in first quarter which is carried out by the Supreme Council Secretariat based on seven criteria, Anzali Free Zone took the first place, according to report of public relations and international affairs management of Anzali Free Zone Organization.


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